Hypoglottis Locoweed is a herb with stem elongated,
almost hairless to sparsely velvet-hairy, branched. Stipules are
leaf-like, about 5-8 mm long, united at the base, leaf opposed. Leaf is
imparipinnately compound, stalk about 5-19 mm long, scantily silky,
rachis (excluding stalk) about 3-7.5 cm long, scantily silky.
Leaflet-stalks are less than 1 mm long. Leaflets are about 9-19,
lateral leaflets opposite to subopposite, elliptic to elliptic-ovate,
entire, acute to obtuse. Flowers are borne on axillary stalked racemes,
stalk about 2.5-12.5 cm long, silky. Bract are about 1.5-4 mm long,
velvety, stalk about 1 mm long, pubescent, hairs black. Calyx is about
5-5.5 mm long, velvety, hairs black, teeth about 1.5-2.0 mm long.
Flowers are deep purple-violet blue. Vexillum is about 10 mm long.
Ovary stipitate, stipe 1.5 mm long. Hypoglottis Locoweed is found in
the Himalayas, Pakistan and Russian Turkistan. Recently it has been
found in Lahaul region of Himachal Pradesh. Flowering: July.
Identification credit: Chaudhry
Photographed in Sarchu, Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh.
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